Online Magazine Front Page "Top Stories" Videos: iTrash MTV

Thursday, September 06, 2007

iTrash MTV

"Hit Me One More Time" Four New Tracks From Britney Spears
Britney Spears' comeback has sprung a leak once again with another four tracks from her new album finding their way to the internet.

This brings the total number of Britney tracks that are circulating on the web up to seven, just two months before the official release of her comeback album on November 13.

Luciano Pavarotti Dies At Age 71
La Scala opera house fell silent Thursday and the two remaining members of the Three Tenors led a chorus of tributes by the giants of opera, presidents and rock stars after the death of Luciano Pavarotti.

A minute's silence was held at the Milan opera house where Pavarotti, who died early Thursday at the age of 71, performed 140 times in a career that spanned four decades.

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