Online Magazine Front Page "Top Stories" Videos: Pressroom5 - September Archive Links

Friday, September 01, 2006

Pressroom5 - September Archive Links

Hostage Dies After SWAT Storms Building
A girl has been shot dead by a gunman after a siege at a school in the tiny mountain town of Bailey, Colorado.

"Cocaine" Raising Eyebrows
The latest beverage to break from the pack is the Cocaine Energy Drink, created by Redux Beverages of Las Vegas. So far sold mostly in New York and California clubs, it will become available online, according to its Web site (

The drink has the caffeine of about 3 1/2 cups of coffee but no narcotics, and boasts on its Web site, "Instant Rush. No Crash!" Drug experts and
nutritionists are appalled.

Holiday Celebrates The Revealing
Ramadan began Saturday. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is special to Muslims because it is the month that the Islamic holy scripture, the Quran was revealed. Ramadan typically lasts 30 days and concludes in communal prayers and Eid Al-Fitr, which can become a three-day celebration. The end of Ramadan depends on the sighting of the new moon.

Illinois Mother's Three Children Found Dead
Three young children were found dead Saturday, hours after a woman was charged with killing their pregnant mother and her fetus in a grisly attack in which authorities believe her womb was cut open after she was knocked unconscious.

Osama bin Laden Dead from Typhoid
A newspaper in France says Al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden died of typhoid in Pakistan, but there is no confirmation of the report.

Offices of the French President Jacques Chirac and French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin have made no comment.

Who the Devil is Hugo Chavez?
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called President Bush "the devil" in a speech to the United Nations on Wednesday of this week, making the sign of the cross in a dramatic gesture and accusing him of "talking as if he owned the world."

September - Archive Direct Link
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